18 records found


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# Cat.ReferenceTitleYear
1 Art5-01008639Boat in rough sea-
2 Art5-01008640Boat in rough sea-
3 Art5-01008641Boats seen through ruins-
4 Art5-01008642Trawler in rough sea-
5 Art5-01008643Cliff and sea-
6 Art5-9400060Beach scene: the foreshore1931
7 Art5-9700050Beach scene-
8 Art5-9700105Beach scene1992
9 Art5-9700260Try me-
10 Art5-9700261May & WS Watkin: two barges-
11 Art5-9700262Ivy-
12 Art5-9700263Saltings with ruins-
13 Art5-9700264Hauling the codliner-
14 Art5-9700265Boat with black sails-
15 Art5-9700266KY114 & WK414: two boats & a lightship-
16 Art5-9700267Tower beside the sea-
17 Art5-9700357Ships at sea in blizzard-
18 Art5-9700482Ship in a big sea-